
Hip Pain

Do you have hip pain and need physical therapy in Spokane? Hip pain treatment can be a big decision, especially if you don’t know where to start? Let’s start with your symptoms…Do you have pain in the front, back or side of you hip? Does it hurt to sit or stand for a prolonged time? Are you having trouble bending forward, leaning to the side or twisting? Does your hip pop or click when walking or moving around? Are you having trouble lying flat on your back or on your side due to your hip pain?

Fill out the short and simple form  titled, “Hip Pain Treatment Questionnaire,” and add up your score as outlined on the form. If you score 4 or more, come in to see us and we will get you back to doing the things you love to do!

Your pain could be due to bursitis, SI joint restrictions, piriformis syndrome, pelvis mobility/alignment impairments, poor hip strength or stability, or even a labral tear.

Don’t live with these problems. Let Spokane Sports and Physical Therapy help you take care of these problems so you can get back to life!

Many insurance plans will allow you to see a physical therapist without a doctor’s prescription, but you must check with your plan. Washington state allows physical therapy without referral from a physician and our clinic offers scheduling within 24 hours in order to relieve your symptoms and maintain a steady progressive training program. Call Spokane Sports and Physical Therapy or your Doctor if you feel that you have an injury which you are unable to resolve.